Brittiska Wired har i det kommande aprilnumret ett massivt och briljant reportage om Rovio - företaget som skapade Angry Birds (spelet som är den mest populära betalappen för Iphone just nu och som väntas dra in 35 miljarder dollar fram till och med 2014). Tom Cheshire berättar historien om Rovio som i början av 2009 stod på ruinens brant men som tack vare hjärndöda Angry Birds - som blivit varenda tjommes favorit till tidstjuv - i dag är ett av världens mest framgångsrika underhållningsföretag.
One afternoon in late March, in their offices overlooking a courtyard in downtown Helsinki, Jaakko Iisalo, a games designer who had been at Rovio since 2006, showed them a screenshot. He had pitched hundreds in the two months before. This one showed a cartoon flock of round birds, trudging along the ground, moving towards a pile of colourful blocks. They looked cross. "People saw this picture and it was just magical," says [Niklas Hed, who co-runs the company]. Eight months and thousands of changes later, after nearly abandoning the project, Niklas watched his mother burn a Christmas turkey, distracted by playing the finished game. "She doesn't play any games. I realised: this is it."
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